Volunteer with ‘Stückchen Himmel’

At the beginning of 2016 Mareike Fischer from Marbach was in Aracaju.We thank her very much for her voluntary work in Brazil! Prerequisites for such an assignment at ‘Stückchen Himmel’ are a loving relationship with children, the ability to work in a team and good Portuguese language skills. If you are interested, please do not …

Benefit concert for ‘Stückchen Himmel’

On 29.5.2016, the ‘Förderverein Stückchen Himmel e.V.’ invited to a benefit concert with subsequent Ständerling in the Alexanderkirche Marbach am Neckar. The audience experienced a varied hour with music of the delightful combination of tenor saxophone (Rolf Most) and organ (Thomas Meyer). The two musicians, who have already performed several times in Marbach, spanned a …

Stand at the Marbach Experience Day

Many volunteers have made possible a stand of ‘Stückchen Himmel’ at the Marbacher Erlebnistag:  Helpers to set up and dismantle the stand Busy kitchen bakers  Stand staff for the sale of cakes, drinks and merchandise To all helpers and of course to all visitors of our market stand we say thank you very much!