On Thursday, March 25, 2021, Dona Cinira, mother of Júnia Zettler, passed away at the age of 83 from the consequences of a Covid19 disease in the presence of Júnia in a hospital Aracajus.
Our thoughts and prayers are with Júnia & Thomas Zettler and all the relatives in these difficult hours, especially since just a few months ago Júnia’s father passed away from the same disease.
We are full of gratitude when we think of Dona Cinira, how she worked in the day care center since its foundation in 2003 until her old age and how much love, faith, kindness, joy, helpfulness she radiated and lived.
We keep Dona Cinira as a unique person in loving memory.
In heartfelt solidarity and deep sympathy,
the board of the Fördervereins ‘Stückchen Himmel e. V.’ with families